I try to add useful tips and reviews about operating cameras off the beaten path. These tips pertain to the gear I own and use on a regular basis. I recommend gear that I like and often have affiliate links to Amazon or B&H photo which will make me a small affiliate revenue to support the site if you purchase a product. Sometimes I receive gear from manufactures at little to no cost to test in the field.
Due to our commercial projects, I receive financial and/or equipment sponsorship from Kessler Crane, Leica, Arc’teryx, SmallHD, Redrock Micro, GoPro, Adobe, Viewfactor, Cineroid, Rode Microphone, and Canon Professional Services.
I have chosen these sponsors because I like and regularly use their gear. I provide regular feedback to manufactures to help improve their equipment. My goal is to be fair and balanced and never recommend anything solely because of past or present sponsorship.
Its about the story, not the gear.